We’ve all seen videos or articles that have gone ridiculously viral, continuing to be circulated widely even months after their initial appearances. 创造一个病毒式传播的帖子背后没有科学,也没有保证的配方或清单. However, 所有病毒式传播的帖子都有一些共同的特点,让人们想要在他们的网络中传播这个词. 在这里,我们探讨了一些你应该在你的帖子中包含的属性,以增加你被分享的机会. 一个很好的起点就是多关注,观察自己在社交媒体平台上的点赞或分享行为.

#1. Keep your content relevant

One common characteristic of most viral content is its relevance to current events. Regardless of your topic, 如果你的内容与人们正在积极搜索或谈论的内容相关,你可能会获得更多的分享. Publishing up to date content greatly increases your visibility, which is the first step to going viral. A great way to keep track of the most popular topics is to keep an eye on Twitter. 热门话题和标签会根据用户谈论最多的内容而不断变化, and this is often the first platform people use to share news.

John Oliver’s satirical news show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 以其对时事的评论而闻名,并引发了几起令人难以置信的事件 viral videos on social media sites like YouTube and Facebook.

#2. Know the preferences of your audience

发布任何内容的关键是确保你的目标受众是正确的. This is especially important if you want your posts to go viral. Find out what your viewers preferences are, what they want to see, and the kind of posts they’ve historically taken an instant liking to. 设计你的帖子来吸引特定的人群,与你的观众建立个人联系, which makes them want to keep reading or watching. 人们更有可能分享与他们产生共鸣的帖子,他们可以与之联系起来,这是一般性和模糊的帖子无法实现的.

Dove has proven to be highly adept at video marketing campaigns crafted for its target audience. A couple of their most viral videos include these well-known ones:


#3. Establish emotional connections

Once you’ve established your target audience, find a way to engage them. Boring content not only reduces the interest of your audience, but also ensures they won’t share it with their friends. 病毒式传播最多的帖子是那些能引起观众强烈情绪,迫使他们采取行动的帖子. 任何一种由你的帖子引发的强烈情感都会对你的观众产生影响,并使其令人难忘. A good starting point is to consider the 6 basic emotions anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness. Does your content inspire any of these emotions?

而与观众产生情感联系的内容更有可能被分享, it’s usually the positive type that goes more viral. 幽默或特别感人的内容通常占病毒式传播帖子的最大比例. When people come across something that adds value, even if all it does is make them feel more positive, they are likely to want to introduce this to their network.


#4. Make your content useful

When trying to make a post go viral, it’s often good practice to ask how your content adds value to your viewers. People also like to look good on social media, 所以,如果分享你的帖子让他们觉得他们在向他们的同龄人和朋友传授一些有用的知识, chances are that they’re more likely to do so. 从一开始就抓住观众注意力的一个好方法是确保你的标题足够清晰和引人注目. 仅仅不断检查有用的内容是不够的,以确保你已经建立并保持与观众的情感联系,这有助于创建一个潜在的病毒式传播的帖子.

#5. Don’t limit yourself to text

文字帖子在病毒式传播的帖子中所占的比例非常小,吸引人的视觉效果对吸引浏览者和增加帖子价值至关重要. No matter what social media platform(s) you’re utilising, 简单地添加一些相关的图片不仅增加了你被点击的机会,也增加了分享的机会. 视频是一种更强大的工具,可以用个人的方式向观众传达你的信息. Videos arouse greater emotion and resonance with viewers, and especially if utilised effectively in telling a story, for example. Exploring different forms of content is critical in creating a viral post, 尤其是为了领先于人们在社交媒体上不断缩短的注意力. One great example is the public service announcement campaign by Melbourne’s Metro Trains 这段名为“愚蠢的死法”的视频在上传后两周内被观看了3000万次.

#6. Get your timing right

What Are The Best Times to Post on Social Media
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout


时机是让帖子病毒式传播的关键,可以让你的受众看到所有的不同. 例如,这是一个众所周知的事实,现在大多数人通常遵循类似的 trends of social media usage throughout the day. 大多数澳大利亚人在早上和晚上的第一件事就是在社交媒体上最活跃. 在人们可能在工作或睡觉的时间发布内容会大大降低你被看到的机会, let alone shared. On the other hand, posting about large events, for example, 哪些被多个媒体渠道报道,被过度讨论,会导致你的帖子被淹没在其他人的炮火中. 许多社交媒体平台都有工具可以让你研究访问者的观看模式. 有效地利用它们可以帮助你计划下一个潜在病毒式传播的帖子的时间.

当观众看到这条裙子是黑色和蓝色或白色和金色时,这张照片迅速走红. Many other brands capitalised on this with successful campaigns of their own:

#7. Attract the attention of influencers

许多病毒式传播帖子的成功和地位都归功于拥有大量追随者的高知名度用户的分享. Constantly bombarding them with messages and requests to share your post is not an ideal way of gaining fame; you may end up blocked for being a spammer. 让自己受到影响者关注的最好方法是尝试与他们建立联系. This can be done by sharing their posts, recommending them to your own followers, and attempting to start a conversation with them. This does not guarantee they will respond, but it’s likely that this may catch their attention, encourage them to check out your content, and even share your posts without having to be asked.

At the end of the day, 创建病毒式传播的帖子通常可以归结为纯粹的运气,在正确的时间被正确的人发现,可以推动你的帖子立即在网上成名. That being said, 确保你的帖子遵循这里讨论的元素,绝对会增加你被发现和被观众分享的机会.

If you’d like to learn more about how engaging content and social media marketing can strengthen your online presence, get in touch and we’ll show you how!